The beginning of class out on the porch in our babies' "play-pen." Bamboo is awesome!
Pulse is absent...
The boys in action.
In the absence of "dummies" we thought to use the more realistic ones...;) Actually, we had a couple of rice bags to practice on, but they didn't seem very enthralled with that option. They preferred trying it on eachother. I just had to do my best to impress very deeply upon them that we were playing here or they could really have inflicted some damage.:)
That was a fun class to teach. They're amazing kids! Several weeks ago now (while I was gone) two of my best students left the school, which left a big hole in our class. So we pulled in two more, a boy and a girl, bringing the number back up to 8 again. Then the next day I arrived at class only to be asked to please let another one of our girls join. How could I say no? So now there's a total of 9 students. I was concerned that they wouldn't be able to understand as well or catch up with the others, but so far they've been excellent and I'm very glad to have them in the class!
Another big blessing has been to have Tharamoo Gayle back at our school for a little while. This last week she's done the majority of the teaching for them. She's been focusing on the a & p portion of it and I'm so glad for them to get a much better foundation and understanding of that.
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