"If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?"
-David Livingstone

May 25, 2011

Come Away

I groggily peer at my watch. It’s 4:56 am and it’s Friday! Jumping up off my braided plastic mat I gingerly make my way out through the corner of the mosquito net (where a bunch of big red ants have set up residence!), mentally kicking myself all the while. Why didn’t I jump up when my alarm rang?
I’m not five minutes into the day and already my mind is bombarded with the many things that I have to get done…
And then softly spoken in my mind is the text that I’ve chosen as a reminder.

“You are my God. Early will I seek You. My soul thirsts for You.”

Plopping into my hammock I open my Bible. Only to become lost in my to-do list once again.
1 Kings 2…….
I’ve got to be ready in time to leave with Thara Ekginya for a nearby village to look at a sick women directly after worship…And then there’s…
Come away……
Where was I? Oh, that’s right, verse 3.
I can’t forget to finish the section of the alphabet that I’m on for my Burmese class at 1:00…and then all of those 30 + sentences that I have to dream up for the English class I’m giving in return…
Oh, no, I lost it again! There, halfway through verse 4.
And laundry! I’m in big trouble if I don’t get that done today. And my priority of the day is giving Jabez the attention that he needs… I wonder why it is that he’s crying for hours at night again…at least it felt like hours… And what if patients come and I don’t get any of this done in time! Let’s face it, that’s a super real possibility. And I woke up too late to get any studying in for my paramedic class……..
I sit there and stare at the page unseeingly.
Come away….to a quiet place. Come away and seek My face...

So many blessings await us when we choose to come away. To let our hearts and minds be still. Let our empty cups be filled.

Can you hear the spirit calling, "Come away..."?

And thank-You, God, for the Sabbath! A day to come away. What sweet relief...

"I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength..."


  1. Oh, Maria I know just what that's like... Yes, praise God for the Sabbath. God knew we needed "a quiet place far from the rapid pace." I'll be praying that God will sustain you through these busy times.

  2. Beautiful! Maria, this was exactly what I needed this morning...I almost didn't read your post, as I was so stressed and in such a hurry to catch up on the stuff that needs to happen today, but something made me stop-and i'm so glad I did. It was both a rebuke and an encouragement.
    Thank you so much for posting this. I feel so much better than I did 10 minutes ago.

  3. His strength is always available to those who will come and receive. Too often I've ignored His calls and hurried to the urgent, paying the cost later of an unconnected day. A day filled with Jesus makes all the difference.
